About Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc quam urna, dignissim nec auctor in, mattis vitae leo.


An ambitious lady who aims for the stars but only reaches the roof. Great at reading self help books and then claims she has her life together. A mother who says she loves being a stay at home mom but is often seen day drinking.


Computer geek who has witnessed the birth of the internet and survived the dreaded Y2K scare, let’s not count the grey hairs though. Loves a good debate and lives by the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, except if it’s the wrong one.


Being half Italian and a scorpio (if you believe in that astrology shiz), you can imagine how careful we are not to get on her bad side. We have to constantly remind her to save her comebacks for the game and not throw them out into general conversation. Geez, all we did was ask how her day was going!